Abbreviation: SIU
Country: USA
Arena: SIU Arena ( Carbondale , IL )
Domestic League: NCAA D-I
Conference: Missouri Valley
W-L: 18-13
03/07/2024 82 - 84 vs Illinois (Chi.) Illinois (Chi.)
03/03/2024 70 - 82 vs Northern Iowa Northern Iowa
02/28/2024 67 - 86 at Bradley Bradley
02/25/2024 65 - 53 at Evansville Evansville

2023-24 Southern Illinois Team Stats

Watch stats of another season of Southern Illinois

Per Game

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Southern Ill stats Southern Ill 31 72.2 16.3 30.5 53.4% 8.2 23.8 34.2% 15.0 19.5 77.0% 8.4 24.3 32.7 14.2 5.5 3.0 11.2 18.1
Rank in league (362 teams) 182 297 339 58 98 88 160 96 156 27 305 222 300 86 298 223 247 87

Pace Adjusted

Team GP Pts 2pt 3pt FT Rebounds Ast Stl Blk TO PF
M A % M A % M A % Off Def Tot
Southern Ill stats Southern Ill 31 75.7 17.1 32.0 53.4% 8.6 25.0 34.2% 15.8 20.5 77.0% 8.8 25.5 34.3 14.9 5.7 3.2 11.7 19.0
Rank in league (362 teams) 87 277 331 58 68 52 160 44 113 27 284 128 217 60 274 195 185 39


Team Info Complete Metrics Possession Info
Team GP EFF WS/G Pace Pos/G Pts/Pos FGA/Pos FTA/Pos Ast/Pos TO/Pos
Southern Ill stats Southern Ill 31 82.0 34.5 0.95 65.0 1.11 0.84 0.30 0.22 0.17
Rank in league (362 teams) 162 152 336 320 103 278 121 63 194


Team Info Shooting Ratios Passing Ratios Ratings
Team GP Pts/G FGA/G TS% eFG% FTA/FGA 3PA/FGA Ast/G Ast/FGA Ast/TO Off Def Net
Southern Ill stats Southern Ill 31 72.2 54.4 0.57 0.53 0.36 0.44 14.23 0.26 1.27 111.1 105.5 5.6
Rank in league (362 teams) 87 337 55 77 94 38 86 43 91 103 130 98